FIA jobs 2021 has been announced and has received a vast number of applications and now applicants should start preparing for the FIA test. FIA has announced a total of 1143 vacancies below mentioned positions. Candidates prepare for there test through various books like Dogar Books and Caravan Books.
Those who have applied for the FIA vacancies should start preparing for the test here we will be sharing with you test syllabus for fia, preparation book in pdf for fia test, fia past papers.
Following are the positions for which FIA will take test for recruitment,
- Assistant BS-15
- Sub-Inspector BS-14
- Stenotypist BS-14
- Technical Assistant BS-14
- Upper Division Clerk BS-11
- Lower Division Clerk BS-09
- Assistant Sub-Inspector BS-09
- Constables BS-05
- Constable Drivers BS-05
- Drivers BS-04
- Dispatch Riders BS-04
- Naib Qasid BS-01
- Cook BS-01
- Security Guard BS-01
- Sweeper BS-01
FIA Test Pattern
Test Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
No. of Questions 100
Total Marks 100
Allocated Time 100 minutes
FIA Test Syllabus
Following is the syllabus for the recruitment test for FIA,
English (20 marks)
Grammar Usage
Sentence Structuring
General Intelligence/ Professional Test (80 marks)
Basic Arithmetic
Pakistan Affairs /Current Affairs /Islamic Studies
General Knowledge
General Science
Basic Computer
Physical Test
For the positions of Sub Inspector Investigation, Assistant Sub inspector, Constable and Constable Driver there will be physical test,
Running of one mile in 7 minutes for males.
Running of one mile in 7 minutes for females