Do you know you can now study for free in Germany, as University of Hamburg Scholarship is accepting applications for international students to study for free. This is a great opportunity for Master’s and Doctoral degree students. The opportunities like these barely come so don’t think much and apply for funded scholarship. This is a merit based scholarship so students with extraordinary students are considered. Students who are very much dedicated and involved in international context have much greater chance of getting this scholarship. This scholarship will help you get immense knowledge and skills needed future. There is not any age restriction so no matter how old you’re you can just enjoy the perks of this scholarship with your studies.
Moreover, if you get the funding from this merit scholarship you cannot apply for any other funding. The candidate’s social situation and financial needs will be checked in the selection process. Students that have been taking part in volunteer work will be preferred. Different capabilities of students will be seen through his previous performance. If student have been doing presentations or publications, he will be preferred. The knowledge of the candidate will be seen through his application. Students who have excellent results with brilliant performance will definitely get this scholarship. There are thousands of students from various countries studying in Germany and sharing their cultures. Students take a positive message back home with love. Germany is very much famous for scholarship and the acceptance rate is also very high in Germany.
The University of Hamburg is located in Hamburg, Germany. Undoubtedly, it is among the top research institution in Germany. It is a comprehensive university in Germany. The quality of education provided by the institution is highly commendable. The institution is ranked on number 228.
Region of Studies | Germany |
Institution | University of Hamburg |
Degree Level | Masters, PhD |
Type | Fully funded |
Eligibility | International students |
Deadline | 15 October 2024, 15 April 2025 |
Following are the requirements to apply for the scholarship
- Pursuing a degree at University of Hamburg
- Students of Master’s and Doctoral research can apply after completion of first semester
- Not holding German citizenship;
- Not eligible for the federal student loan scheme.
Scholarship benefits:
- Monthly funding of €850.
- Depending on the availability of funding,
- Individual doctoral researchers will get scholarship totaling €1,000 per month (roughly 2–3 merit scholarships are awarded per round).
- Merit scholarships are awarded only for 2 semesters (total of 12 months).
- You can reapply for a scholarship.
- In exceptional cases, the maximum funding period is till 3 years.
Programs offered for international students:
- All subject areas or field are under this scholarship
Degree program | Qualification | Faculty | as MS | Start | Language |
African Languages and Cultures | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Afrikanische Sprachen im Kontext (African Languages in Context) | M.A. | GW | expires | GER | |
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft [ Linguistics] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft – Ökonomische und Soziologische Studien [Labor, Economy and Society (Economic and Sociological Studies)] | M.A. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraumes [Archaeology and Cultural History of the Ancient Mediterranean] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Atmospheric Science | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Aufbauqualifikation Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen | M.Ed. | EW | WiSe | GER | |
Aufbauqualifikation Lehramt Sekundarstufe I und II | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | WiSe | GER | |
Behindertenpädagogik [Special Needs Education] | M.A. | EW | WiSe | GER | |
Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration) | M.Sc. | BWL | WiSe | GER | |
Bewegungs- und Sportwissenschaft [Human Movement and Sports Science] | M.A. | PB | WiSe | GER | |
Bioinformatik [Bioinformatics] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Biologie [Biology] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
British and American Cultures: Texts and Media | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Buddhist Studies | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Business Mathematics [Business Mathematics] | M.Sc. | WISO, MIN, BWL | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Chemie [Chemistry] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | GER/ENG | |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Deutsches Recht | LL.M. | JUR | WiSe | GER | |
Deutschsprachige Literaturen [German Literature] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Digital- und Medienmanagement (EMBA, berufsbegleitend) | MBA | WISO | no | WiSe and SuSe | GER |
Digital- und Medienmanagement (MBA) | MBA | WISO | no | WiSe | GER |
Dokumentation und Analyse Afrikanischer Sprachen (Documentation and Analysis of African Languages) | M.A. | GW | expires | GER | |
Economics | M.Sc. | WISO | WiSe | ENG | |
Empirische Kulturwissenschaft [Anthropological studies in Culture and History] | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER | |
English as a World Language (ENGAGE) | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER/ENG | |
Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft [Educational Science] | M.A. | EW | WiSe | GER | |
Ethiopian Studies (Äthiopistik) | M.A. | GW | expires | ENG | |
Ethnologie [Social and Cultural Anthropology] | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht [European Commercial Law] | LL.M. | JUR | expires | GER | |
Europastudien/European Studies | M.A. | WISO | expires | GER/ENG | |
European Master of Arts in Classical Cultures | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER | |
Gebärdensprachdolmetschen [Sign Language Interpreting] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Gebärdensprachen [Sign Languages] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER/ENG | |
General Management | MBA | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Geographie [Geography] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Geophysik [Geophysics] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Geowissenschaften [Geosciences] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Germanistische Linguistik [German Linguistics] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Geschichte, Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients [Middle Eastern studies] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Geschichte [History] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Gesundheitsmanagement [Health Management] | MBA | WISO | SuSe | GER | |
Griechische und Lateinische Philologie [Greek and Latin Philology] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Health Economics & Health Care Management | M.Sc. | WISO | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Higher Education | M.A. | EW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Historische Musikwissenschaft [Historical Musicology] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Holzwirtschaft [Wood Sciences] | M.Sc. | MIN, BWL | expires | GER | |
Human Resource Management | M.A. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Human Rights and Democratisation | M.A. | JUR, WISO, GW | WiSe | ENG | |
Indology and Tibetology | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Industrial Mathematics | M.Sc. | MIN | expires | ENG | |
Informatik [Informatics] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Innovation, Business and Sustainability (MIBAS) | M.Sc. | WISO | WiSe | ENG | |
Integrated Climate System Sciences | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Integrative Lerntherapie [Integrative Learning Therapy (Professional MA)] | M.A. | EW | SuSe | GER | |
Intelligent Adaptive Systems | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Interdisziplinäre Public und Nonprofit Studien [Interdisciplinary Public and Nonprofit Studies] | M.Sc. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
International Taxation | M.I.Tax | JUR, BWL | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Internationale Kriminologie [International Criminology] | M.A. | WISO | expires | GER | |
Iranistik [Iranian Studies] | M.A. | GW | expires | GER | |
Islamwissenschaft [Islamic Studies] | M.A. | GW | expires | GER | |
IT-Management und -Consulting [IT Management and Consulting] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Japanologie [Japanese studies] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Journalism, Media and Globalisation | M.J.M. | WISO | expires | ENG | |
Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft [Journalism and Mass Communication] | M.A. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Jüdische Philosophie und Religion [Jewish Philosophy and Religion] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Koreanistik [Korean studies] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Kosmetikwissenschaft [Cosmetic Science] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Kriminologie (berufsbegleitend) [Criminology (Professional MA)] | M.A. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Kunstgeschichte [Art History] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Languages and Cultures of Southeast-Asia | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Lateinamerika-Studien [Latin American Studies] | M.A. | WISO, GW, MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Law and Economics (EMLE) | LL.M., M.A., M.Sc. | JUR | WiSe | ENG | |
Law and Economics of the Arab Region | LL.M., M.A., M.Sc. | JUR | WiSe | ENG | |
Lebensmittelchemie [Food Chemistry] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Lehramt an Beruflichen Schulen [Teacher training in vocational education] | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB, BWL | expires | GER | |
Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (ab WiSe 23/24) | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB, BWL | no | WiSe | GER |
Lehramt an Grundschulen (ab WiSe 23/24) | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | no | WiSe | GER |
Lehramt an Gymnasien [Teacher training in secondary education] | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | expires | GER | |
Lehramt der Primar- und Sekundarstufe I [Teacher training in primary and lower secondary education] | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | WiSe | GER | |
Lehramt für Sekundarstufe I und II (Stadtteilschulen und Gymnasien) (ab WiSe 23/24) | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | no | WiSe | GER |
Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik – Profilbildung Grundschule (ab WiSe 23/24) | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | no | WiSe | GER |
Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik – Profilbildung Sekundarstufe (ab WiSe 23/24) | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | no | WiSe | GER |
Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik [Teacher training in special needs education] | M.Ed. | WISO, EW, GW, MIN, PB | WiSe | GER | |
Literatur, Sprache und Kultur des modernen Griechenlands [Literature, Languages and Cultures of Modern Greece] | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER | |
Magister für ausländische JuristInnen [Magister for lawyers with a foreign degree] | LL.M. | JUR | expires | GER | |
Manuskriptkulturen/Manuscript Cultures | M.A. | GW | WiSe | ENG | |
Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Marine Ökosystem- und Fischereiwissenschaften [Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science] | M.Sc. | MIN | expires | GER | |
Master of European and International Law (MEIL) | LL.M. | JUR | WiSe | ENG | |
Mathematical Physics | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Mathematics | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
MathMods – Mathematical Modelling in Engineering | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Medienwissenschaft / Media Studies | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER | |
Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung / MOTION: Multilingual Educational Linguistics | M.A. | EW, GW | WiSe | GER | |
Meteorologie [Meteorology] | M.Sc. | MIN | expires | GER | |
Mittelalter-Studien [Medieval Studies] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Molecular Biology | Zert. | MED | expires | ENG | |
Molecular Life Sciences | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | GER | |
Molecular Plant Science | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Nanowissenschaften [Nanosciences] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Ocean and Climate Physics | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Osteuropastudien [Eastern European Studies] | M.A. | JUR, WISO, GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Peace and Security Studies | M.P.S. | JUR, WISO, GW, MIN | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Performance Studies | M.A. | PB | expires | GER | |
Philosophie [Philosophy] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Physics | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe | ENG | |
Physik [Physics] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Politics, Economics, Philosophy | M.Sc. | WISO, GW | WiSe | ENG | |
Politikwissenschaft [Polictical Science] | M.A. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | M.Sc. | PB | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Psychologie [Psychology] | M.Sc. | PB | expires | GER | |
Psychology | M.Sc. | PB | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Religionen, Dialog und Bildung [Religions, Dialog and Education] | M.A. | GW | WiSe | GER | |
Romanische Literaturen [Romance Literature] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Romanistische Linguistik [Romance linguistics] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Sinologie [Sinology] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER/ENG | |
Slavistik [Slavic Studies] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
South Asian Studies | M.A. | GW | expires | ENG | |
Soziologie [Sociology] | M.A. | WISO | WiSe | GER | |
Systematische Musikwissenschaft [Systematic and Comparative Musicology] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Technomathematik [Industrial Mathematics] | M.Sc. | MIN | WiSe and SuSe | ENG | |
Tibetan Studies | M.A. | GW | expires | ENG | |
Turkologie [Turkish Studies] | M.A. | GW | expires | GER | |
Uralische Sprachen und Kulturen (Uralic Studies) | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Versicherungsrecht (Insurance Law) | LL.M. | JUR | WiSe | GER/ENG | |
Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie [Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology] | M.A. | GW | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Wirtschaftsinformatik [Information Systems] | M.Sc. | MIN, BWL | WiSe | GER | |
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen [Industrial Engineering and Management] | M.Sc. | BWL | WiSe and SuSe | GER | |
Wood Science | M.Sc. | MIN, BWL | WiSe | ENG |
Required documents:
Following are the documents required to apply,
- CV
- letter of motivation send in PDF format
- proof of social and/or intercultural activities (if applicable)
- Record of achievements: STiNE printout or list of course certificates.
- Master’s students and doctoral researchers submit thefinal certificate.
- Evaluations from 2 professors or junior professors at Universität Hamburg. In some cases, other teaching staff at Universität Hamburg can also prepare evaluations.
15 April (funding period: 1 October – 30 September of the same year)
15 October (funding period: 1 April – 31 March of the following year)
How to Apply:
- Visit the University Page of the scholarship.
- Apply online through the portal
- Upload all the documents that are required
- Please submit proof of your residence permit to the program coordinator
- On contrary case, contact the coordinator
- Your status of application can be checked online on the portal
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